Yoga Nidra and Deep Relaxation

Yoga Nidra and deep relaxation have many health benefits and A yoga class should always finish with a relaxation. after working the body during yoga, the muscles release and so too can the mind. However, Yoga Nidra goes a lot deeper than a normal end of class relaxation. yoga Nidra, a Sanskrit word translated as yogic sleep… but you are not going to sleep…you are very aware…just on that borderline of deep relaxation before dropping off to sleep, a state of suspended relaxation.

During a Yoga Nidra you will be lead through various different stages of relaxation. This prepares the brain to go through deeper states of consciousness, through doorways if you like that activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Upon entering Yoga Nidra, your brain is in an active state of beta waves. The various stages of relaxation takes you into an alpha state, the brain wave frequency that links conscious thought and the subconscious mind, and This is where thoughts begin to calm down. The progressive relaxation experienced in Yoga Nidra stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for deep relaxation. In this restorative state, the restless mind eventually lets go and the body can maximizes it’s ability to take in nutrients, regulate hormones and glucose levels, and boost immunity. 

Essentially, your mind calms down and your body begins to heal itself naturally.

Yoga Nidra is beneficial for all those who struggle to let go, that need to release trauma, and anxiety. The most common stumbling block with relaxation and Yoga Nidra is the incessant chatting of the mind. no one starts off being brilliant with stilling the mind. The mind is designed to think thousands of thoughts everyday, it is its job to do that! Creating stillness is an art and a constant practice, and one where you will eventually be able to make more space between those ramblings and have moments of nothingness.

It has great healing powers for anyone who wants to experience a deeper sense of peace and re-connect with themselves, nature and the universe. The practice of Yoga Nidra leads us into a state of harmonious restfulness and it is From here that we can truly start to heal, restore and awaken to our true Self.

accessible to everybody: Pain relief: Better sleep-helps with insomnia or other sleep issues: Releases tension for body and mind: Relaxes the mind: Reduction in PTSD symptoms: Therapeutic use for trauma and addictions: Provides effective relief for depression and anxiety: Clears the mind for learning and absorbing new information: improved memory: Helps with creativity: energises and nourishes: allows you to deeply connect within and strengthen your sense of the self

The Benefits of Yoga Nidra in a nutshell.

Accessible to everybody: Helps with Pain relief: Better sleep - helps with insomnia or other sleep issues: Releases tension for body and mind: Relaxes the mind: Reduction in PTSD symptoms: Therapeutic use for trauma and addictions: Provides effective relief for depression and anxiety: Clears the mind for learning and absorbing new information: Improved memory function: Helps with creativity: Energises and nourishes mind and body: Allows you to deeply connect within and strengthen your sense of the self.

Yoga Nidra and Deep Relaxation is offered on the Sacred Space Membership programme for the monthly equivalent of a Cup of Coffee!