Book a Yoga Class or Event

Important Information on Booking your classes

I offer PAYG and termly block booking. when you arrive at the Reservie booking page, you will see the cost of the class for what it is as PAYG. If you are wanting to block book the whole term, select all the classes associated with that term and at the very final stages of payment, it will apply the adjustments with your new reduced total to pay.

If you want to block book classes, this will have to be done at the beginning of the term and before the first class of term. Anyone booking after that will not enable the fee reduction for paying termly and will have to book classes on a payg basis instead.

As always, if you block book and are unable to come to your regular class because of illness, holiday or a family commitment, you can come to another class to make up for your missed one… long as it is in the same term.

if you are new to my classes, i do offer a trial class for free. please message me on 07720759245 to arrange that. if you are happy to just go ahead a book anyway, please do so but i would like you to text message me via the mobile number on the line above so i can tell you exactly where the class location is and what you should bring.

please text message me a good few hours before the start of the class as i also have a day job. If you prefer to send me an email, please send that a couple of days before your class as it is not always possible for me to answer your email on the same day because of other commitments.

for general enquiries, please email me as normal.


Please click on the ‘book button’ above which will take you to my booking page.