Inner Balance - The Sacred Space Membership Programme


A Membership Programme with 4 Tiers to choose from. Hosted on the platform Patreon, with opportunities to Practice Yoga and Ritual Circles with me 'live' Online and on Special Events 'live' in-person!

  • Tier 1 : release : A monthly offering at the Waning Crescent Moon - 10 minutes of Gentle Movement, followed a 20 minute Yoga Nidra or Relaxation.

  • Invite to a Private Facebook Group with Bonus Material.

  • Invite to Online & Live Events, Lunar, Seasonal Festival Circles.

  • tier benefit : Early Access to Live Events, Lunar & Seasonal Circles

  • tier 2 : creative : A monthly Full Moon Sunday Sadhana (Dates on Patreon)

  • a chance to join me 'live' to practice a Full Moon Vinyasa with me. A recording will also be posted on Patreon for anytime access and will become a back catalogue.

  • Get the Playlist for the Yoga Practice.

  • Receive Ayurvedic and Healthy Lifestyle Practices.

  • Plus everything from the previous Tier 1 (Release).

  • tier benefit : Early Access to Live Events, Lunar & Seasonal Circle’s. Discounts to Live Events, Lunar & Seasonal Circles.

  • tier 3 : intention : Inner Balance New Moon-Mna Circle (takes place Online through Zoom, on the closest day to the Dark/New Moon when I am not teaching a live yoga class). (Live attendance on Zoom preferred but access will be granted to the recording).

  • Moon Magic - Practices & Rituals for the Lunar Cycle.

  • Mudra, Mantra and Spiritual Practices.

  • Plus everything from previous Tiers (Release and Creative).

  • tier benefit : Early Access to Live Events, Lunar & Seasonal Circles.

  • Plus...Discount to Live Events, lunar, Seasonal and Cyclical Circles.

  • Discount Codes for Inner Balance Apothecary.

  • Tier 4 : Seasons - Coming soon!! i will let you know when you can Upgrade!!

  • Seasonal and Cyclical Circles (Online via Zoom and Live Events organised such as a Mini-Retreat Seasonal Circles).

  • Wildly Inspired - Rewilding Practices, Kitchen Witch Medicine Making.

  • Plus everything from the previous Tiers (Release, Creative and Intention).

  • tier benefit : Early Access to Live Events, lunar & Seasonal Circles.

  • Plus...Discount to Live Events, lunar, Seasonal and Cyclical Circles.

  • Discount Codes for Inner Balance Apothecary.

  • Free Handmade Apothecary Items on the Equinox & Solstices according to the seasons

Inner Balance - The Sacred Space (link to Patreon below)